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Water Facts



The process of distilling water removes 99.9% of impurities, creating pure H2O and nothing else.

Kills Bacteria + Viruses | Chemicals

heavy metals | Chlorine | Industrial pollutants

Removes all impurities

Water Still has been producing Ultra-Premium Distilled Water for the Amarillo community for over 35 years. At Water Still, all water is processed using Ultra-Premium Vapor Compression Distillation fresh at each of our locations. This is the only water processing method that can achieve the highest level of purity. Trust us, you will taste the difference.

What is Distilled water?

The practice of distillation has been traced back over 3,000 years.
Distilled water production itself dates back as far as AD 200 in which seawater was distilled into drinking water.

Faced with the complex problems of pollution, we turned to nature for the wisest and safest solution. Water in its purest form is found in the water vapor that rises from the Earth’s surface, leaving behind any contaminants it may have collected. This process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation is known as the Hydrologic cycle.

The distillation of water simulates this process, by boiling tap water to create steam. The steam vapor separates from the contaminants, as the steam travels though condensing coils the steam condenses into pure distilled water, leaving all the impurities behind.

Why Vapor compression distillation?

Drinking water sources such as lakes, rivers, and groundwater are subject to environmental pollutants including industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, human and animal waste, algae, bacteria and viruses.

As a result of this pollution, mankind attempts to clean the water before it is distributed to communities through the public water supply system. In this process, chemicals such as chlorine are added to the water for disinfection purposes. After this chemical disinfection, the water travels through miles of old metal pipe systems picking up more contaminants before it reaches your home’s faucets. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets Legal limits for over 90 contaminants in drinking water (tap water). Although measures are taken to monitor these levels to ensure public drinking water is safe for consumption, your tap water still contains numerous contaminants including inorganic material, radioactive particles, pharmaceuticals, metals, and chemicals because they fall below the maximum levels set by the EPA. Many of which are known carcinogens. A study that evaluated water across all 50 states found that increased cancer risks were linked to 22 carcinogens found in tap water. If you have ever wondered exactly what is in your tap water, check your city’s water quality reports online.

Other filtration methods such as carbon filters, deionization, and reverse osmosis are not able to remove all these contaminants. Another problem with these filtration methods is that these physical barrier filters break down and lose effectiveness over time. This means that even other bottled water products that are “filtered” or “purified” or home water filtration systems are only removing a small portion of impurities and may not be much better quality than tap water. As a solution, Water Still uses the most effective method of removing these potentially harmful substances – Ultra Premium Vapor Compression Distillation.

Distillation is the only method of water processing that effectively removes 99.9% of contaminants including bacteria, viruses, chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, radioactive contaminants, chemicals, and more. Distillation provides 99.9% pure H20.

The process of water distillation does not rely on the use of a filter barrier, producing an excellent water product year after year. The process of distillation is also more environmentally friendly. This is because distillation works efficiently and produces very little wastewater compared to other filtration methods.

At Water Still, we have been using the same distillation methods for over 35 years. We pride ourselves on consistently providing the highest quality water product that you can feel good about consuming every day.

Water Still

Vapor Distilling Water Since 1989

99% Pure Guaranteed

Water Quality – Comparison over time

The importance of pure water & your health

Water is essential for all forms of life; our bodies are comprised of 60-70% water. Experts agree that we need eight glasses of water per day to maintain optimum health. The daily functions of the body down to a cellular level and purifying of the blood through the kidneys are all dependent on the water that we drink. Our bodies lose water by various means – through the kidneys, breathing, and perspiration. Proper hydration and water quality is important to maintain these bodily functions and cleansing of wastes.

By drinking distilled water, you are eliminating the risk of continuous exposure to contaminants in other water sources that could have long-term negative effects on your health. Increased cancer risks have been linked to carcinogens found in tap water. These contaminants include arsenic, radioactive materials, pesticides and fertilizers, and disinfectant byproducts used in the water treatment process.

We consume more water than any other substance, so it is important to know exactly what is in the water that you are drinking every day. In addition, drinking distilled water can help cleanse and detoxify the body. Because distilled water is pure and does not contain any minerals, it can flush out minerals that have accumulated in the body over time; this can help prevent arthritis and kidney stones. Distilled water can also help prevent teeth discoloration from too much fluoride exposure.

Distilled water is tasteless, odorless, and free of any contaminants. Drinking distilled water is the single best way to guarantee that the water you drink does not contain impurities that could be harmful to your health now or in the future. The pure taste and quality of the water from Water Still is unmatched.


It is true that the process of distillation also removes minerals from the water along with removing all contaminants. The type of minerals that are removed are inorganic minerals which are found in soil and groundwater sources. Inorganic minerals are formed from nonliving materials through geological processes. Inorganic minerals include carbonate and lime compounds, calcium, iron and magnesium. It is necessary that the minerals be elaborated into organic compounds by the plant before they can be assimilated by the human body. The various mineral compounds produced in nature through geologic processes differ in their structure and component molecules than those produced by plants (organic minerals).

Inorganic minerals in water cannot provide any beneficial minerals to the body. Mineral-containing water cannot furnish the body with any needed elements other than the water itself. The remaining inorganic minerals are eliminated through waste or are deposited within the body where they may cause eventual harm. These inorganic minerals are deposited within the body leading to kidney stone and gallstone formation, hardening of arteries, arthritis, and other diseases.

The best mineral sources are naturally occurring organic minerals found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and meats.

Uses for distilled water

  • Drinking water … of course!
  • Baby formulas and cereals
  • cooking and baking
  • ice … we’ve got you covered with our cubed and nugget ice!
  • Tea … choose from our 24 delicious flavors!
  • coffee
  • House plants
  • Aquariums
  • Pets
  • Steam irons and humidifiers – prevents limescale build-up and increases longevity of appliances
  • CPAP machines and medical devices

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