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Tea Facts

History & benefits

History of tea

Tea is among the world’s oldest and most revered beverages. Tea was first discovered in China 5,000 years ago during the Shang Dynasty. Since then, tea has been cultivated around the world and has long been consumed as both a novelty and for medicinal purposes. Tea is today’s most popular beverage and one of the healthiest, next to water.

At Water Still, we have been brewing tea for over 35 years using our all-natural, custom-blended tea flavors comprised of high-quality tea leaves, dried fruits, herbs, and botanicals. Our teas are brewed fresh at each of our locations using our proprietary brewing process and ultra-premium water and ice. No flavor additives, syrups, artificial colors, or preservatives are used in the making of our teas. We like to keep things the way that nature intended and carry on the traditions of tea drinking for maximum flavor and health benefits.

Health Benefits

Black tea

  • contains less caffeine than coffee; tea caffeine has a prolonged, slow-release form of energy – making it more effective without the jitters
  • improves focus
  • contains antioxidants – helps remove free radicals in the body and decrease cell damage which can help decrease risk of chronic disease and improve overall health
  • aids in lowering cholesterol
  • can lower blood pressure
  • can reduce risk of major cardiovascular events (heart attack and stroke)
  • helps regulate blood sugar
  • may improve gut health
  • promotes healthy teeth, skin & bones

Water Still’s Black Tea Flavors

Sweet Tea


Decaf Regular

Mint Regular

Raspberry Regular

Peach Regular

Coconut Regular

’89 Palmer

Unsweet Tea


Decaf Regular

Mint Regular

Raspberry Regular

Peach Regular

Coconut Regular

Health Benefits

Green tea

  • contains less caffeine than coffee; tea caffeine has a prolonged, slow-release form of energy – making it more effective without the jitters
  • improves focus
  • contains L-theanine – an amino acid that improves mood, lowers stress, and boosts dopamine and serotonin production
  • anti-inflammatory benefits
  • antioxidants in green tea may help lower risk of certain types of cancers
  • aids in lowering cholesterol
  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • can lower blood pressure
  • can reduce risk of major cardiovascular events (heart attack and stroke)
  • may protect against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases
  • can help boost metabolism

Water Still’s Green Tea Flavors

Sweet Tea

Blueberry green tea

Strawberry green tea

Unsweet Tea

Green tea

Blueberry green tea

Strawberry green tea

Health Benefits

Herbal tea

  • made from dried herbs, flowers, fruits, and spices
  • natural source of antioxidants and Vitamin C
  • naturally caffeine free
  • refreshing natural fruity flavor

Water Still’s Herbal Tea Flavors

Sweet Tea

Black Cherry Berry


Strawberry Lemonade

Unsweet Tea

Black Cherry Berry


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