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Water Facts

the importance of pure water

Water Contamination

Water Vapor

Water vapor in the atmosphere can be contaminated even before it falls as rain. The clouds of water vapor absorb sulfur dioxide from power plants, gases from fossil fuel vehicles plus discharges from industrial smokestacks. The water vapor carries particles of dust, contaminated gas particles, and airborne bacteria. When the vapor falls to the earth as rain, it dissolves or absorbs part of many compounds that lie on the earth’s surface: oil and chemical spills, pesticides from gardens and lawns, herbicides, fungicides, animal wastes from poultry farms, feed yards, and general livestock operations, fertilizers from farming operations, chemical and heavy metals from open pit mining, etc.

Water sources

Drinking water sources such as lakes and rivers are subject to industrial and agricultural pollution, run-off of soil, dead vegetation, and human and animal wastes that in turn produce algae, bacteria, and viruses. Groundwater sources such as wells and springs that percolate through the soil, clay, and rock formations are more likely to provide lower amounts of bacterial contamination and suspended matter.


Unfortunately, groundwater is subject to come into contact with and absorbs undesirable inorganic minerals such as manganese, iron, and hydrogen sulfide gas, as well as inorganic chemicals such as sodium, lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, barium, copper, and arsenic. As the earth’s population continues to increase both surface and groundwater surfaces are becoming increasingly contaminated with many contaminants.

Removing Contaminants

Mankind tries to clean the water but some of the products used to treat water, such as chlorine, have been linked to many adverse health effects, such as cancer and miscarriages. Distilled water is the only cure for removing contaminants from water.

Inorganic Materials 

The importance of pure water

Water is indispensable for all forms of life. Experts agree that we need six to eight glasses of water per day to maintain optimum health. The daily cleansing of wastes from each cell, the flushing of the alimentary canal, and the purifying of the blood are all dependent on our drinking water. Our bodies lose water by various means – through the kidneys, through breathing, and through perspiration. Without sufficient water, food cannot be properly digested, absorbed and carried to all parts of the blood stream. Waste-bearing water (urine) is necessary to flush away the end products of metabolism.

Without water to moisten the surface of the lungs, there can be no intake of oxygen or expulsion of carbon dioxide. Allen E. Banik, O.D., in his book “The Choice is Clear,” calls water “nature’s own liquid line of health.” But today, with problems of pollution, with poisonous additives in our tap water as well as the presence of inorganic minerals, good water is hard to come by. In today’s polluted world, distilled water is the purest water. Since it assists in the elimination of many harmful substances, it has been recommended for detoxification and fasting programs and for helping clean out the cells, organs and fluids of the body.

Inorganic and Organic minerals

Inorganic minerals include carbonate and lime compounds, calcium, iron and magnesium. Since they are of a kind and quality which are incompatible with our cells, the cells reject these minerals, which leaves an accumulation of debris in our bodies. Organic minerals, on the other hand, are found in the vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, meats and nuts which form our daily diet. They are easily assimilated and are necessary for continuing good health.

Filteration vs. Distilled

Distillers Today

Most distillers on today’s market do not require constant monitoring like other treatment methods. Since the distillation process is so simple, there is little that can go wrong! Our customers understand the process and are able to trust it with ‘peace’ of mind.

US Public Health Service

The US Public Health Service, after much research, recommended distilled water to their various clinics (as did the Duke Medical Center in North Carolina). Distilled water is claimed to have no damaging effect on the heart nor to deposit any unwanted material into the joints.

Problems due to hardened water

Arthritis, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, and cataracts are due partly with the drinking of impure water. Distilled water is said to break up mineral deposits and play an important role in the treatment and prevention of such diseases. Experts say drinking distilled water removes much irritation from the kidneys and also increases the purity of the blood stream and other body organs. Many medical patients troubled with kidney and bladder infections are reported to have their symptoms vanish after drinking only distilled water.


kills bacteria + viruses | removes complex chemicals | heavy inorganic substances pesticides | chlorine | fluorides | Removes all impurities