The importance of pure water
Water is indispensable for all forms of life. Experts agree that we need six to eight glasses of water per day to maintain optimum health. The daily cleansing of wastes from each cell, the flushing of the alimentary canal, and the purifying of the blood are all dependent on our drinking water. Our bodies lose water by various means – through the kidneys, through breathing, and through perspiration. Without sufficient water, food cannot be properly digested, absorbed and carried to all parts of the blood stream. Waste-bearing water (urine) is necessary to flush away the end products of metabolism.
Without water to moisten the surface of the lungs, there can be no intake of oxygen or expulsion of carbon dioxide. Allen E. Banik, O.D., in his book “The Choice is Clear,” calls water “nature’s own liquid line of health.” But today, with problems of pollution, with poisonous additives in our tap water as well as the presence of inorganic minerals, good water is hard to come by. In today’s polluted world, distilled water is the purest water. Since it assists in the elimination of many harmful substances, it has been recommended for detoxification and fasting programs and for helping clean out the cells, organs and fluids of the body.
Inorganic and Organic minerals
Inorganic minerals include carbonate and lime compounds, calcium, iron and magnesium. Since they are of a kind and quality which are incompatible with our cells, the cells reject these minerals, which leaves an accumulation of debris in our bodies. Organic minerals, on the other hand, are found in the vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, meats and nuts which form our daily diet. They are easily assimilated and are necessary for continuing good health.